[New] Article: Editing Step Options

[New] Article: Editing Step Options

Click on the module tile to open in edit mode, hover over the step title of the step you need to edit, then click Edit Step.

The step will expand, and you can make edits to the Step Name, and add or edit the Step Description

If you click the Advanced button, you can add any completion requirements and step prerequisites you need.

Completion requirements will disable the following step until the student has viewed content, opened a file, opened help or completed an inline assessment, or a combination of these.  By default, only content viewed is checked.

Step Prerequisites indicate which steps prior to this step must be completed before this step is available to the student.  By default, no prerequisites are checked.

Content Whitespace: Here you can specify how much whitespace will be filled right of the content as a percentage; however, a minimum content width will still be applied

Click on Done to save any changes.

Editing Step Options