[New] Article: Completing Module Activities

[New] Article: Completing Module Activities

Throughout the modules students will complete activities such as simulating circuits, bread-boarding, taking measurements, and running or developing LabVIEW code. Depending on the activity, software may automatically open inside the Thinkscape online learning environment. Students can interact with the software normally while referring to instructions and completing assessments in the same browser window.

When software opens within Thinkscape, it will be opened in the main content area, and the table of contents will automatically be hidden. The student can navigate through the module by using the blue arrows or by opening the step list. The student can re-hide the module content to expand the software window.

When the student navigates to a step that does not require software, or uses software that cannot open inside Thinkscape, the window will automatically return back to its default state.

If the student navigates to a step that uses different software, it will automatically open in place of the previously used software. When the student returns to the step, the previous state will be maintained as long as the student has not started a new session.

The software that can be opened within Thinkscape includes Multisim Live and NI ELVIS III web instruments, and in addition the Bode Analyzer and the Current-Voltage Analyzer. NI ELVIS III desktop instruments will launch in a separate window. LabVIEW code and executables, as well as other files, can be downloaded from Thinkscape to be run on a desktop.

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