Importing Steps from a Word Document

Importing Steps from a Word Document

To import steps from a Word document, start by clicking the Import button at the top of the list of steps. In the From a Document tab click Choose File, then select the file you would like to import and click Open. Click Import to import the content from the selected document. The content of the document will now appear in the webpage.

To complete the importing process, you need to divide the content into different steps. First, click on the content to create a selection box. Adjust the height of the selection box so that all of the content for a step is surrounded by the box. Click the checkmark on the top of the selection box to move the selected content into a new step into Thinkscape. The step will automatically be placed as the last step in the lab, and be named Imported Step. The step and content can now be edited just like any other step. You can import as many steps are you want from as many different Word documents as you want. To reset the imported document, click the Reset button in the Import window. This won’t effect the steps you’ve already imported.

To remove a file from the Import window, click the Clear button. This also won’t effect the steps you’ve already imported. When you’re done importing, close the Import window by clicking the Import button at the top of the list of steps.

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