Emoji :seedling: Feature specification
Title | Give the component a name. |
Description | Briefly explain what the compoennt does, e.g., “An avatar is an image that reperesnts a user or entity.” |
Benefit | List the benefits this feature will provide. |
Anatomy diagram | Type / image to uplaod a diagram of the compoennt with numberer callouts. Use the basic verison of the component and make sure the example has good copy. |
Key to anatomy diagram |
Mockups | Provide a link to mockups for this feature. |
Emoji :face_with_monocle: Specifications
Usage | Give an overview of the component an dhow it’s used, e.g., “Use avatars to identify a user or entity in a product. Typically, users will uplaod their own image, but they may also stick to the deafult image.” |
Variations | Provide examples for standard arioations that appear in your product. If possible, these exampels should be cerated with live code for your design system’s repo. |
Behavior | Describe how the component behaves in different contexts. |
Style |
Emoji :triangular_ruler: Additional guidance
Content |
Accessibility |
Mobile |
Best practices |
Related |